Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Chemical Haze Part 1

      Okay so i will admit i have had my share of drug filled nights and days!! And i'm surprised with all the amounts of drugs i have taken in my life that i am still around and still somewhat together in the head or am i? hahaha! So where do we begin. Well i guess we could start with the first drug that i think most of us use is weed. I remember smoking weed with friends and with family friends when babysitting. Then as most of us move onto it was hash! I remember once running away from home and heading to friends apartment and i hot knifed so much hash i was green in face. And at that point my grandmother and my aunt showed up and grabbed me to take me home and all i could think was i was gonna be sick. My aunt however god bless her knew i was high and took me for fries and gravy and we had a good laugh!! Must admit the women in my family are pretty crazy and dominant could be why i am the way i am!!!My other aunt who for some reason seems to be the one i've done most of my firsts with took me to a party in the north end. It was the summer when i was working at a fishing lodge as a dock hand. So i would have had to been 15 and had a huge paycheck. So aunt took me to party where i ended up paying for the booze. But all of a sudden someone shows up and has acid. So my aunt asks me if i've ever done acid before i said no she asks me if i wanna try i said sure so i bought us a hit of acid each!!! So an hour later my aunt asks me if i'm high. I said no she asks well how do you feel and i said i just feel like smiling and laughing. She then says to me you're high. That night was fun and filled with booze and tons of fun. I remember my aunts ex boyfriend showed up and had some drunk indian with him who he kept trying to get me to go fuck. Hahaha so funny everyone was always trying to make me a man outta me!! Anyways i remember we ran out of chairs in the dinning room we were partying in and i ended up in sitting in a high chair all night long laughing my ass then.
       Acid was my drug of choice for a very long time. On time three of us took it and two of us went our seperate way and the other on their own and we met up a few hours later and we had all shaved our heads without talking to one another. And the funny thing is i was Dita at this point and an escort and didn't have hair all of a sudden. Thank god for big hats and Joanne my make-up artist friend who gave me my blade runner inspired look to go with my bald head!! Some of my other friends and i used to take acid each time there was a party at the kings theater! And when the party was over i'd be the one driving us all over the city and most of which would be in st.boniface where the streets are all one way. So we would go to 711 and get our drinks with huge pupils and then when we left. Someone in the car forgot to get something. So imagine you're working in 711 and in walk this group with crazy hair and make up with huge pupils come in and go about 4-5 times right after they leave!! Needless to say we had alot of fun. So Acid was my fun till i finally one night at the kings theater i was on acid and i was dumped by my bf which i think to myself why the hell was i dating some scrawny white boy who looked like kasey from mr.dress up. How embarassing to admit to all of you i got dumped by that. Anyways so i was in the barthroom with my friends repeating to myself did i just get dumped or am i tripping out? I must be tripping!! And no i wasn't tripping than along comes Miss Boobies and says to me here honey i have something for you that will make you feel better!!! That something was my first line of coke!!! Boy did it make me feel good so good that i sashayed my ass out of that bathroom and standing in front of the doors to get to the theater where the party was the kasey lookalike  and i pushed his scrawny sorry ass to the side he flew so far and i entered that party and danced. Was a good time!!
        Cocaine was my obsession for a very long time. I've smokes it with tobacco, i've shot it up which was an amazing high but left marks on my body. But wow what great sex i had though the marks on my body was not worth the high of this wannabe fashionista's  lifestyle. I've smoked it as crack ofcourse with my aunt who couldn't get me it as coke!! hahaha wow i've done it all and i loved it. Back then in the winnipeg days it was a 50 dollar night habit! So expensive i know but that was my thing until all my friends came back from montreal and toronto talking about xtc. To be continued!!!!

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